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How To Feel More Confident At the Gym



Going to the gym can be a daunting experience.

Between all the machines, and all the ripped people doing the bench-pressing their own body weight, it can sometimes feel a little bit intimidating - particularly when you're starting out.

However, it doesn't need to be this way. Check out these tips for improving your confidence at the gym!

Be Confident In Your Clothing

You don’t need to wear the latest or most stylish clothing when going to the gym. Just wear something that you feel comfortable wearing while doing exercise. If you’re planning to do some cardio, make sure you pick out a good pair of shoes and clothes that reduce the chances of chafing

Ensure You Know What You’re Doing

To increase your confidence at the gym, make sure you know how to use the equipment properly. Before you attempt to use an unfamiliar piece of equipment, study the proper technique for its use. There are often written guides on the sides of gym machines, while video tutorials are also available online. Don't forget you can ask the gym staff for help too.

Consult A Personal Trainer

Another more personalised (if not a little more costly) approach to gaining confidence in the gym is to hire a personal trainer. Not only should these professionals be able to devise a programme to help you achieve your precise fitness goals, but they’ll also be able to teach you the proper technique for both cardiovascular and weight exercises. This should ensure you can perform the exercises properly and build your confidence in the gym. 

Ignore Other Gymgoers

It’s a fact of life that some people like to show off at the gym. It’s easy to feel inadequate in the early stages of your regime when there’s a musclebound bloke flexing his biceps at every opportunity. You have no obligation to try to keep up with these experienced bodybuilders, just go at your own pace. Start with lighter weights and gradually work your way up. Likewise, don’t worry about what other people in the gym may or may not be thinking about you – they're more than likely thinking about themselves!

Don’t Work Out at Peak Hour

If you’re still preoccupied with the (potential) prying eyes of others, go to the facility when it’s less likely to be packed. Gyms are generally at their fullest between 5pm and 7pm on weeknights, so try to avoid that window. Perhaps try going early in the morning. 

Work Out With A Mate

Everything feels a little easier when you have a supportive person alongside you. Not only will they be able to provide words of encouragement, but if they’re experienced gymgoers, they’ll probably be able to help you out with the exercises. 

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

Everyone makes mistakes at the gym, particularly when they’re starting out. If you make a bit of a goose of yourself by overestimating your strength on the bench-press machine, or trip over while skipping in front of a big group of people, don’t dwell on it. Just pick yourself up again and continue working towards your goals.