The Man Shake
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Bradd took control and lost 23kg


Bradd Baldock 36 years old, Robinvale (Victoria)

I have always been quite active, that is until the kids come along 8 years ago, my job has some physical aspects and part of which is forest firefighting which I have remained arduous in my duties, but increases in administrative duties and poor eating intervals led to my situation (i.e. couple pieces of toast for breakfast and realising I'm hungry at 3-4 pm having lunch or a snack to tie me over for tea and being ravaging at tea time grazing for a couple of hours topped off with probably a couple of beers or wine and a couple of lines of chocolate before bed). 

I have been heavier, I think 127kg, I have tried other shakes, appetite suppressants, weight loss programs, diets all of which work but were not sustainable. I guess as you approach your mid thirty’s your body doesn’t respond and bounce back the way it used to, some old injuries tended to aggravate for longer periods when tweaked and my shirt size kept getting bigger. 

I started a new role in September which was even more administrative than my roles before, my wife and I were talking about the alcohol consumption increase over the Covid period and the consumption of home-baked goods, cakes, pieces of bread, sweets and so on.

With the new role also came the prospect of working from home and the trap of all-day grazing from the pantry. I was also experiencing some levels of depression and some of my eating was a way of alleviating some of those feeling in the search of endorphins (not terribly successful but plenty of chocolate consumed).

And finally, some family and friends have had significant weight loss surgery and seen impressive results but have now forever changed their lives and the way food plays a part in enjoyment and fulfilment in their lives. 

For me losing weight meant being healthier and happier with and for my family. I found myself being exhausted and grumpy with the boys when I finished the day, little energy or motivation to play outside with them or encourage healthy living. 

So I was determined to take back control of my body and show that determination and dedication can yield results I ordered my first 4 pack of shakes with a shaker. 

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To date, I have lost 23kg using The Man Shake.

Now that I have lost the weight my energy levels and moods are far less fluctuating, and I feel I’m back in control with my body, my joints and old injuries don’t bother me as much and generally just feel great about my achievement. 

My first 4 weeks I supplemented 2 meals (breakfast and lunch) with a morning and arvo snack of around 150 calories each followed by a normal dinner, using the guide sent out with the shakes.

By the end of the 4th week I had lost 9.6kg and was looking for more tools and strategies to continue my journey, so when I purchased my second lot of man shakes I saw a package that included the man challenge, during that period I managed to continue weight loss but it was a real period of a plateau for me (only lost 3kg but passed all the tasks and learned heaps), I did, however, see it as a lesson in short sessions for fitness that was achievable, some meal planning strategies and a more holistic approach to this lifestyle or mindset change.

I recommend TMS to others because I’m proof it works, I premise it with “it has worked for me” but ultimately it's just a tool to take back control, that is affordable, flexible and sustainable.

I think I would have got at least 10 people on board with TMS and they are also yielding results, many conversations have been had around how it works, cost and ease of implementing, I’m certainly an advocate.


I plan to continue the shakes as part of my healthy living lifestyle and good gut health. They also taste good! 

Our struggles are the short-term steps we must take on our way to long-term success. Take the plunge and get into it! 

If the challenge we face doesn’t scare us, then it’s probably not that important.  Failure we can do alone. Success always takes help.