Kyle became a whole new man after losing 24kg.

Hi I'm Kyle Biggar, 32, Parramatta NSW
I am a father of 3 kids, recently separated. Was very active in my younger years, then kinda lost my way a bit and got lazy once the kids came along,
I got too comfortable and then ballooned from there.
When I first started the Manshake, I was a bit skeptical, but my partner at the time had been using the Lady Shake and really enjoyed it, so I decided to give it a try as well. Because I hated looking at myself in the mirror and complaining about my weight but not doing anything about it.
I also wanted to make a better example for my kids.
I found the Man Shake really easy to enjoy, which made continuing quiet easy.
The first week I just tried 2 shakes a day and a ate a fruit snack, with 1 meal for dinner each day. I did this without training so I could see if it really made a difference.
It did! I lost 1.5kgs, doing nothing but drinking a shake.
Which gave me more motivation to get off the couch and train, to see better results.
So with a mix of exercise, healthy eating, and The Man Shake,
I went from an unhealthy 105kgs to a fit and healthy 81kgs.
dropped 3-4 clothing sizes and all throughout I could still enjoy a beer, which is always important.
Choosing the Manshake was one of the easiest options for me to not only lose weight fast but more importantly MAINTAIN my weight and continue a healthy lifestyle.
Seeing the quick transformation in me, motivated 4 of my work colleagues to also try the Manshake and
I'm happy to say they too have also seen results.
So I encourage any guys out there to reluctant for change to try the Manshake, even if they don't want to exercise at first,
just follow one of the simple Manshake plans daily as a trial, it is enough to shock your body and you will see results.