Michael didn't realise how big he was until he lost 30kg

30, Yarrabilba Queensland
Total weight lost: 30kgs
"I was always unhappy with my weight but I didn't realize how big I was until I finally hopped on the scales. I had just started a new career path in security and wanted a change to be able to do the best job I could.Previously I have tried eating better and exercising but I didn’t really know what I was doing or what to eat. So I just gave up.
I started The Man Shake because it looked simple enough to do and I didn't have to worry about organizing my meals.
Since I have been on the shakes I have lost 30kg, I feel better physically and mentally and have a lot more energy. Now I feel like I can now go and live a more active lifestyle then I used to and enjoy going on walks at national parks etc which I never thought I would.

I always recommend The Man Shake to anyone I can as it has helped me a lot.
I tell other guys just give it a try and see how you go the results speak for themselves and the man shake plan is easy to follow.
Now that I have lost the weight I have definitely learned how to eat better and exercise effectively to keep the weight off. The Man Shake, Man Challenge, and the books have all helped me in different ways.
Because I work shift work I find it easier to still use the shakes when I’m at work for convenience then when I have my days off I just eat healthy choices I also love the man bars as a good snack."

Michael, 30