Nathan lost 5kg in just one month!

My name is Nathan, I am 31 years old, 183cm tall and my weight is ... well you can read the story to find out!
I will start by saying that I have not been under 100kg for 18 years now. The earliest I was ever "skinny" was my early childhood when I was quite an active child. Ever since then though I have always been large.
The bullying and weight gain really skyrocketed when I started prep. All through school I was called "fat" and "ugly". This caused me to have uncontrollable snacking habits and had me eating the wrong foods. I will note that my mind didn't tick the same way as others. Usually being bullied would be more motivational to lose weight, rather it had the opposite effect on me.
My double-digit curse
My parents would always be supportive and say that I was just big-boned, but I knew I was just fat and had no way to fix it. So, none of that really stopped throughout school and I continued to gain weight right until high school. I was 13 years old and 100kg. This is when my double-digit curse started.
By year 10 I was 120kg, but I had some sort of spark and started to lose weight. I put some effort in and actually dropped to 105kg. By then Year 12 finished and I piled it all back on. The spark to lose weight would come back every now and then through adulthood. I lost some kgs doing many different diets, but I kept giving up and never got below 100kg.
For about 4-5 years I was over 150kg with all hope lost. It also did not help I am working a desk job sitting all day as well. Within the past 6 years, I had 3 kids (aged 6, 4 and 2). I started looking in the mirror at age 30 and told myself I had to do something about my weight, otherwise, I would not be around to watch my kids grow older.
With my wife's support (I can’t thank her enough for it), I stopped snacking and started eating healthier. This was over 1 and a half years ago. I managed to drop from 150kg to 130kg by managing my snacking! It was hard and I was always hungry. I got to a point where I was snacking again, and the weight loss stopped.
I have had multiple other shakes, and none of them compare to The Man Shake
That's when I started The Man Shake and lost 5kg, which is nuts as it took me 6 months to lose 5kg before. What's better is that I don't feel hungry at all after having the shakes. I have also since started exercising way more and going for walks nearly every day. I am now 125kg and dropping it for good!
My next step in this journey is getting some gym equipment at home to help along my journey and gain a bit more muscle while I am at it. I feel something has changed in me and I have not felt this way ever before. I want to see this through until I am 80kg and forever 80kg.
And that's my story and why I think The Man Shake is going to make this so much easier for me. I am grateful that there is something like this available.
What my routine looks like
- Breakfast: The Man Shake GO! (all three flavours are good)
- Morning tea: A piece of fruit (usually bananas)
- Exercise: A 20-30 min brisk walk (usually in my lunch break at work)
- Lunch: The Man Shake (I either have Choc Honeycomb which is the best flavour by far, or Choc Mint and Banana)
- Afternoon Tea: Homemade protein bar
- Dinner: I have what the family is eating and stopped having seconds
Sometimes on the weekend to treat myself. I blend the shakes with a banana and ice to make a Frappe which comes up amazing! And yes, I do have cheat days. I leave these for special occasions like taking the wife out or parties.
I get the Buy 3 Get 1 Free pack which consists of one of each of The Man Shake GO! flavours and one bag of Choc Honeycomb, then buy one extra bag of a rotating flavour to cover myself for the month.
Find your why and stick to it
If I were to share some advice it would be to try and find your spark and make it your buddy, remember it when you go for a walk to push further, when you think about going to the fridge, when you want to have seconds. It is there for you to guide you on your journey and never let it go!
Have something that will keep you going until the end goal. Mine is my wife and kids.
I want to say thank you The Man Shake. I feel great, energised, and most importantly full. I also want to give a shout-out to Ryan (The Man Shake Community Manager) for giving me this opportunity. If you read the whole thing, thank you so much and hope this will be motivational for you and others who are a part of The Man Shakers Facebook community!