Rob Stopped Wrestling With His Weight & Dropped 22kg

Hey, I’m Rob and this is how I lost 22kgs with The Man Shake.
Being unhappy with your weight is hard enough as it is, but as a professional wrestler, my body is on display week in and week out. In tights no less!
So around May 2024, I hit my heaviest.
I was sitting at 107kg, and I noticed issues with my body.
I was having trouble breathing, sleeping, moving easily, and I would experience periods of numbness in my leg.
Understandably none of this was good!
I went to the Doctor and I got the Big Bloke Bad News.
I have type 2 diabetes.
How had I got to this point?
I began rethinking my, at the time, 39 years and then considered what my next 39 could be like.
I wanted to be there for my incredible fiancé, Stacey. She is an amazing support both in and out of the ring, and when I asked if we could spend the rest of our lives together, I meant until we were old and grey.
Changes had to be made.
I was given a weight management plan with a blood sugar tracker and was tasked with managing my condition.
I had tried The Man Shake before, however, I fell off the wagon after about three months. I had got complacent and fell into the old ways with bad food choices.
I started researching and found that The Man Shake is great for diabetic guys like me!
As you may know, diabetics need a balance of healthy carbohydrates, good fats and protein. With The Man Shake having only 2.4g of sugar per serving, low GI carbs, and high protein, it has been amazing in helping me keep my blood sugar stabilised while helping me lose the extra kilos.
By pairing the Shakes with a healthier overall diet (including cutting sugary drinks and snacks), I was heading in the right direction.
Over the next few months, I started losing decent amounts of weight, to the point that I could begin to fit into my medium shirts again!
I’m even wrestling better. I’m able to move around with ease, create explosive moments, and not become as gassed sooner (wrestling term for being out of breath).
I went back to the Doc for my three-month check-up and, as they do, they put me on the scales.
We were both floored by the result!
I was 85kg. A full 22kg down!
I was told that due to my efforts and the help of The Man Shake, I wasn't required to take my diabetes meds after my current prescription.
That was the change I had been looking for!
I'm 40 years old next month and thanks to The Man Shake I feel amazing!
All I did was have a Shake in the morning, a protein bar for morning tea, a second Shake and a small bag of popcorn for lunch, and a solid dinner at home with Stacey.
Oh, and it was always a Choc Honeycomb Crunch shake.
It's hard to explain how much I genuinely feel healthier and happier with myself.
When I’m looking and feeling this good, who knows what could come next.
There are a lot of championships out there and, even though I have less waist than before, they would look pretty good on me…
Shout out to the amazing Dell Hall (@sparklyroadkill) for his incredible photos.