Thomas was always the "big guy" until he lost 48kg!
Hey again!
It’s been a while but I thought I would reach out and fill you all in on where I am at two years later.
Currently, I am sitting anywhere between 100 to 110 kgs. These days I find myself not stepping on the scales, I understand that it is a privileged place to be but with my switch to maintenance along with increasing my strength and muscle, I can see my weight going all over the place.
The Man Shake is still a big part of my day, even in the maintenance phase. Even now I’m having my two shakes per day with a healthy dinner but now I allow myself a little more freedom.
The convenience of The Man Shake is still a no-brainer. Hardly any prep and it's always easy to smash no matter how busy I get.
My current goal is to keep building muscle. I have trained bloody hard and it’s awesome to finally be happy with my body and how it is starting to take shape.
I understand maintaining this whilst improving is no longer a week-to-week sort of challenge, but more of a long-term commitment. So, I'm trying to get to a comfortable place where I can still enjoy myself but keep the fat % dropping.
Currently I'm training at the gym 4-5 days a week and have an active job (10,000+ steps a day).
Two kids under 3 years old keep me plenty active in my downtime too!
I'm 31 years old from Wodonga, Victoria So far I have just hit a second massive milestone goal of 40kgs lost!
Starting weight back in May of 2021 I tipped the scales at the highest recorded weight of 148.9kgs.
I have always been a bigger bloke starting from a young age, I got kicked off my junior football team for being too much bigger than the rest of the guys, and parents were worried it wasn't fair.
This was in under 13s. I sort of leaned into that stereotype from that point on. Being the "big guy" sort of gave me an identity. I hit 100kgs by the time I turned 18 and was 110 before my 21st birthday, and have never gotten under 110kgs since then.
At 22 I had a back injury that saw me out of action for quite some time, by 25 that injury had developed into a chronic pain issue. Multiple treatments/medications and countless specialists saw me in and out of work over the next 4 years.
At this, I used food as an escape from the pain and depression that comes along with chronic pain.
Overeating releases chemicals that make your brain lessen the pain you feel, even for a short time. This is where my weight shot from 115 up to the 140kg mark.
My blood work was showing that I had fatty liver and my BMI was showing me in the chronically obese category. Neither of those things I wanted to head into my mid-30s with.
I completed a pain management program that was fantastic 2 years ago and since then I have been a new man. A new job working back on the tools. A new daughter and was able to chase her around and bend to pick her up without pain. The one thing that was holding me back was my weight.
After sorting out my pain issues I had no excuses to not try and lose the weight. I was noticing I was tired at the end of every day even getting off the couch to play with my daughter was becoming a chore but the thing that made me say enough is enough.
Every time I went to do up my seat belt without being careful it would go into safety mode(when you pull the seatbelt out).
I had previously tried losing weight by just doing the 1000 calories a day diet, Atkins diet (actually had some good results with this, but was short term)
I knew I was overeating and over-drinking for a long time I just needed something to help me kickstart a full-on lifestyle change.
I saw a mate having The Man Shake for breakfast every day and spoke to him about it and I decided to take the plunge.
I started The Man Shake without the sole purpose of losing weight I thought if I could have something to replace my work lunches (was spending $30 a day on food and drinks) I would save money and if I lost a few kgs that would be a bonus.
Now that I've lost weight the two main differences for me are energy and self-confidence.
Before this, I would eat a massive smoko and lunch and just sit, almost out of breath in a food coma from the giant schnitty roll and vanilla slice I just inhaled at 10 am and be sluggish all day.
Now I grab my shaker smash down my shake and shoot hoops and play basketball in my lunch breaks.
The way I was able to overcome a big hurdle was by understanding my patterns. Was I really hungry or did I just have an increase in my pain?
Did I need that whole bag of potato gems or was I just bored? Did I want to drink 20 beers and a whole family pizza or was I feeling down and knew that even for a small moment would boost my serotonin.
Once I picked apart why I had formed these patterns it was still hard but I was able to begin to change them
The Man Shake fitted in perfectly for my life as a tradie.
I have anywhere from 2-10 jobs a day and am in the van driving around a lot. We do about 700kms a week just at work, having an esky sitting next to me with my 2 pre-made shakes ready to go whenever I get a spare 1min or even just while I'm driving has been amazing.
I would make up 2 man shakes the night before and refrigerate, there is a no-excuses way to never dip through drive through because you "don't have time"
If someone asked me today what the best way to go about dropping some weight would be I would recommend The Man Shake.
Losing weight is all about managing calories and macros and with TMS replacing two meals at 209~ cals a pop hitting your calorie targets is super easy. Some nights I still have a 1200-1500 calorie dinner and I'm still losing weight.
In a perfect world, I would be able to replace the shakes with food once I hit the maintenance phase, but the world isn't perfect and even replacing one meal with a 209 calorie super-filling shake is a no-brainer.
It will let me be a little bit more relaxed with my other meals.
Go to the shops right now and get yourself a variety pack and start today.
Don't worry if you have a bucks party this coming weekend and you want to wait until after that to start fresh.
Every day you put off starting is one day further from you at your goal weight. The best thing about The Man Shake program is the allowance for treat meals and occasional treat days!
Go and Google a BMR calculator and work out your BMR - 300 from what you get. This will give you a good starting point for your daily calories, with you having 2 man shakes a day you should easily be able to hit your target and not be chewing your arms off your so hungry
The first few weeks are tough.
Your body will be detoxing from the dietary changes and you'll be forming new habits as you break your old ones. You'll be cranky, hungry, tired, and probably have headaches but this will pass and you'll be dropping weight the whole time!!!