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Surviving Winter: 4 Reasons you pig out when it’s cold

Weight loss


Aussie winters are here, and the temperature drop is leaving blokes feeling hungrier than usual. But why? We've got the scoop. 

Rug Up, Not Fill Up

Eating generates heat! When your body temperature drops, the easiest way to warm up is by giving it fuel. Just be cautious of high sugar and fat content, as they can have the opposite effect. While they provide a bit of warmth, the drop in blood sugar will leave you feeling even colder and hungrier. It's a vicious cycle that ends up with you scoffing down more calories than you bargained for.

Beating the winter blues

The lack of sunshine messes with your Vitamin D and serotonin levels, sometimes leading to Seasonal Affective Disorder. With your serotonin on the fritz, you might find yourself reaching for carbs to lift your spirits.

The silver lining? Regular exercise helps top up those serotonin and dopamine levels naturally. So, shake off the chill and keep active to stay emotionally balanced.

Stuck in a winter snack rut

When it's freezing outside, staying indoors becomes your best option. But that often leads to boredom munchies. We all know the drill - lounging on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through the web, and nibbling away at snacks you didn't really need.

Survive and thrive

Back in the day, winters were brutal, and grub was hard to come by. Our caveman brains still react to the cold by sparking cravings for high-calorie foods. It's an old instinct to stash energy for the frosty days ahead. While we may not face the same challenges today, our genetics are still stuck in the past, telling you to binge on carbs and fats.

Don't let the chilly weather get you down or throw you off your game. Embrace the season, understand your body's cravings, and make smart choices to stay satisfied and healthy.