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How Your Diet Affects Your Sex Drive


If saving your life and keeping your body in shape isn’t already a good enough reason to cut the crap food out, we think we found something else that may scare you into eating healthily.

Bad food can kill your sex life!

If you’re keen to ensure your performance in the bedroom matches that of an unbridled stallion in the prime of his life, we strongly recommend you follow these tips. You (and your partner) won’t be disappointed.

Stop Eating Junk

To have a good sex life, you need strength, stamina and endurance. If you’ve got a crap rig, chances are you’ll also be a crap lover. If your arteries are clogged with cholesterol, it will stem the blood flow to your old fella and cause erectile dysfunction. Likewise, overweight blokes generally have lower levels of testosterone, the hormone which fuels your libido. So, to get back in the game, we recommend you ditch the unhealthy fats, start dining on some nutrient-dense foods (and Man Shake), and aim for two and a half hours’ worth of exercise per week. 

Don’t Overload Your Plate

Aside from fostering weight gain, overeating can also lead to energy slumps that will kill the magic in the bedroom. Excess carbs and sugar will make you feel especially sluggish and less inclined to participate in some after-dark activities. To prevent this from happening, try eating four or five smaller meals throughout the day rather than three big ones for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Likewise, eat plenty of protein and slower-digesting and fibre-rich carbs like quinoa, oats and veggies. We have this simple guide on portion sizes too.

Don’t Go Too Heavy On The Booze

Heavy drinking can reduce your testosterone while raising your estrogen levels, which will reduce your libido and bring your mood down. Heavy drinking is defined as more than four drinks in one day or more than 14 drinks in a week. To keep your sex drive (and your old fella) healthy, limit yourself to two drinks per day maximum. Check out our best beers for weight loss here.

Curb Your Sweet Tooth

Like booze, sugar lowers your libido and can also cause the dreaded ‘sugar crash’, which means you’re likely to feel fatigued after a high-sugar meal. To keep your sex drive alive, stick to naturally occurring sugars like those in fruit, but if you want to indulge in a little bit of added sugar, try not to get more than 36g per day. Dark chocolate is a great healthy option.

Ensure you get some Vitamin D

Sometimes men on vegan diets suffer from erectile dysfunction due to a vitamin D deficiency. Animal products like salmon, tuna, eggs and cheese contain vitamin D, and if you don’t get enough, it may reduce the amount of nitric oxide in your body. This may stifle the effectiveness of your blood vessels and affect the amount of red stuff flowing to your junk. To boost your intake of vitamin D while on a vegan diet, try getting some sunlight. Likewise, mushrooms and orange juice may help boost your vitamin D levels.