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Weight Loss Mistakes: Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Weight loss


We’re all in this weight loss battle together, trying to drop a few kilos without dropping the ball.

But let's face it: shedding body weight isn't always as easy as spotting a tourist in thongs on a cold Melbourne day.

You might be hitting the gym harder than a footy team prepping for the Grand Final or eating far less than usual but still not seeing results.

Wondering why you're not losing weight? Well, it’s often the little things – those sneaky weight loss mistakes we don't even realise we're making. So, let’s crack into it and sort through the common blunders hampering your battle against the belt buckle.

Mistake #1: Skipping Brekkie

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Yeah, yeah, we know. This old chestnut is always cited as a common mistake!

Skipping brekkie because you think you'll save calories? Unfortunately, that’s not how your body works. Forgoing your AM meal can have dire effects on your weight loss efforts. In fact, a study published in Nutrients has shown that folks who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight. It’s about kickstarting that metabolism first thing in the morning – think of it like warming up your old Holden before a big trip. And no, a flat white doesn’t count as breakfast, sorry!

A study featured in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also indicates that having breakfast can help you reduce dietary fat and curb spontaneous snacking, which may be a crucial component in fighting off weight gain.

Experts recommend a protein-rich breakfast, as it can lead to decreased appetite and increased satiety throughout the morning compared with skipping breakfast or consuming a normal protein meal. If you don't have time to prep a full spread, weight loss shakes can be an excellent option, offering the one-two-punch of protein, a low-calorie content, and all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Bottom line, mate. Eat. That. Brekkie!

Mistake #2: Booze – The Sneaky Saboteur

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We all love a frosty pint at the pub, but here’s the bitter truth: alcohol is a diet wrecker. It can blow through your calorie count before you even feel its effects!

In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Public Health suggests alcohol calories can be a significant contributor to obesity.

Those sneaky liquid calories in beer, wine, or spirits can add up. And let’s not forget, a few drinks can lead to dodgy food choices (looking at you, late-night kebab).

So if you're looking to reduce body fat, next time you’re at the pub, maybe opt for a light beer or a drink of water between bevs. Your waistline will thank you later.

Mistake #3: Sleep Deprivation — Not Enough Shut-eye


We hate to ruin all your fun... but yes, burning the midnight oil can burn your weight loss efforts, too. Studies, such as one published in Nutrients, suggest that when you’re low on sleep, your body might cry out for energy, usually in the form of food.

Not getting enough hours of sleep can lead to craving sugary snacks or carb-heavy meals. Not to mention, being tired makes it harder to resist temptation. Hello, unwanted weight gain!

So, hit the hay at a decent hour and give your body the rest it needs. Recharging your batteries for the next day’s challenges is integral to a successful weight loss journey.

Mistake #4: Fad Diets — Not the Holy Grail

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Fad diets are like a two-dollar coin flip – they're hit or miss, and more often than not, they just don't land in your favour.

Whether it’s the keto craze, juice cleanses, or whatever else is being touted as a miracle cure on Instagram this week, crash diets promise quick results but are tough to stick to and can leave you worse off. Intense restriction can often lead to binge or stress eating in the long run — not ideal when you're trying to smash those health goals.

Harvard Medical School has nailed it. The key is to eat a balanced diet while ensuring you remain in a caloric deficit – think nutrient-dense foods: plenty of veggies, lean meat, healthy fats and whole grains. It’s the steady, sustainable approach that’ll win the race.

Mistake #5: Underestimating Liquid Calories

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Here’s a sneaky one – liquid calories. You might not think much of that fruit juices, soft drinks, or that fancy barista-made coffee, but they’re often loaded with sugar and empty calories that don't keep you full.

Sugar-sweetened beverages can be like having a hidden meal without realising it. Stick to water or unsweetened drinks as much as you can. If you’re craving flavour, add a splash of lemon or lime to your water, or try a sugarless carbonated drink like seltzer or kombucha to kick the soft drink cravings!

Mistake #6: Not Enough Water

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Ah, one of the biggest weight loss mistakes beginners make — let's talk about H2O, the unsung hero of weight management. Keeping hydrated offers so many health benefits — it's crucial for your metabolism and helps reduce false hunger pangs.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an observational longitudinal study that showed that increased water consumption, in addition to a program for weight loss or maintenance, reduced body weight after 3-12 months compared with such a program alone.

Often, we mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary, unplanned snacking. Aim for around 2 litres a day – it’s like oiling the gears of your body. Plus, it’s great for your skin and overall health.

Mistake #7: Thinking Exercise Cancels Out Bad Eating

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Alright, here's a curly one: the myth that you can out-exercise a bad diet. Fancy hitting the gym and then smashing a pizza? Sounds great, but sadly, it’s not that simple.

A consistent exercise routine is crucial for good health – no doubt about it. It’s like the engine of your car, keeping you running right. But for weight loss? It's not a solo act. Studies show that diet plays a bigger role in shedding kilos

Think of it this way: if exercise is your engine, your diet is the fuel. Bad fuel = dodgy performance, even with a top engine.

More Movement ≠More Weight Loss

Consider this: a slice of pizza is about 285 calories. To burn that off, you’d need about 45 minutes of physical activity like moderate cycling. And when your cheat day rolls around, who stops at just one slice? Relying solely on exercise to counteract high-calorie munchies is a tough game to win.

And here's a kicker – exercise can make you hungrier, leading to eating back all those calories you just burned. It's like running up an escalator that's going down.

The go? Balance, friend. Aerobic exercise, lifting weights, you name it — it’s all great, but pair it with a diet full of veggies, fruits, lean protein, and grains. It's not about nixing pizza for good, just not making it your everyday champion. Keep fit, eat right, and you'll be on track. Easy as!

You've Gotta Get Real to Get Real Results...

So, now that you're equipped with the knowledge you need to avoid these common weight loss mistakes, you've got nothing to lose but those extra kgs.

Mistakes in weight loss are completely normal. The handy little acronym KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid!) should be top of mind as you embark on your weight loss journey — there's no miracle fix, it's all about mindfulness— mindful eating, movement and setting realistic goals. Boost your protein intake and eat a diet packed with whole, healthy foods, make sure you get regular exercise, and when it comes to staying in a calorie deficit, keep yourself accountable!

You've got this! You'll smash your weight loss goals in no time.