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What is the Strongest Weight Loss Prescription Pill? Your Guide to Weight Loss Medications

Weight loss


If you're looking to lose weight fast, you've probably stumbled across a sea of quick fixes, from rapid weight loss pills to reduced-calorie diets promising miraculous transformations. It's like everyone's after that magic potion, especially when there’s a big event just around the corner. But let's hit the pause button and ask: amidst this whirlwind of rapid weight loss diets and pills, what really works?

We're all for getting you to your goals, but let's not lose sight of the big picture: health. This blog explores what the strongest weight loss prescription pills are, all of which have been making waves lately.

What Are Weight Loss Prescription Pills and How Do They Work?

Righto, let's kick things off by cracking into what weight loss pills actually are. In the simplest terms, these are medications designed to help individuals lose body weight. But it's not all about popping a pill and watching the kilos vanish – there's a bit more science to it. Rapid weight loss pills can work in a few different ways: some reduce your appetite, others block the body's absorption of fat, and a few even crank up your metabolism.

The Guide to Weight Loss Medications

In Australia, we've got a handful of these weight loss warriors approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Let's talk about the big names on the scene: Orlistat, known as Xenical, a weight loss pill that keeps your body from soaking up all the fat from your feeds; and Phentermine, commonly as Duromine, which is another weight loss pill that tricks your brain into feeling fuller for longer. Then there are the new kids on the block, GLP-1 agonists like Liraglutide (Saxenda) that do a bit of everything — injectable prescription medicines capable of reducing hunger, making you feel fuller, and even giving your metabolism a boost.

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Accessing Medications for Weight Loss

These anti-obesity medications are prescription-only in Australia, meaning a chat with a healthcare professional is in order before diving in. They're usually recommended when lifestyle changes haven't done the trick, and you're seriously committed to losing excess weight.

For those of you wondering what the best natural weight loss pill is, the truth is that it's hard to pin down. This is because natural weight loss pills are available over the counter and aren't regulated like prescription pills (such as Xenical and Duromine), so there is little research into how effective they are.

Without further ado, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of our key players, Xenical and Duromine.

Xenical (Orlistat)

Xenical is not just any pill — it’s a game changer for the management of obesity. It's powered by Orlistat, a trusty sidekick in your quest to drop the kilos. Xenical steps into the ring for those with a high Body Mass Index (BMI), especially if other risk factors like high blood pressure are at play.

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The Xenical Game Plan: How It Tackles Fat

Xenical isn't about suppressing your appetite; it's smarter than that.

At its core, Xenical is a lipase inhibitor. Now, in the world of digestion, lipases are the enzymes responsible for breaking down fats into smaller molecules, making them easier for the body to absorb. Think of lipases as the talented magicians turning that delicious steak or creamy slice of cake into nutrients your body can use.

Behind the Scenes

When you pop a Xenical capsule with your meal, it springs into action in your gut, where it forms a bond with the gastric and pancreatic lipases. This bonding is like putting a lock on fat breakdown; without lipases doing their job, about 30% of the fat from your meal doesn't get broken down.

Imagine Xenical as a bouncer at the club, stopping about 30% of fat in your meal from ever making it past the door. This unabsorbed fat then makes a quick exit, meaning fewer calories for your body to take in and store.

Who Should Avoid Xenical?

While Xenical is a popular oral pill for overweight patients, it's not for everyone. If you're allergic to its active ingredient Orlistat, can't absorb nutrients properly, have had recent gut surgery, or your bile duct is playing up, it's best to try a different obesity treatment.

Getting into the Xenical Routine

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Here's how to make Xenical work for you:

  • Dosage: One 120 mg capsule thrice a day with meals. Remember, if there's no fat in your meal, Xenical won't be needed.
  • When to Take: During or up to an hour after your meals. Stick with it daily to see the best results.
  • Nutrition and Exercise: Xenical loves a good support crew. Pair it with a balanced diet and regular exercise for the win.

Side Effects

We get it, you probably want to know what the safest weight loss pill is.

Unfortunately, there aren't any risk-free rapid weight loss pills out there, and all must be taken with caution, following advice from your doctor.

For example, Xenical might bring some side effects to the game such as:

  • The Mild Bunch: Mild adverse effects include nausea, gum issues, gastrointestinal side effects, and a few unexpected sprints to the bathroom. These usually ease up as you adjust.
  • Serious Side Effects: Keep an eye out for severe reactions like liver issues, severe gut pain, slow heart rate or signs of a severe allergic reaction/shock.

Duromine (Phentermine)

Duromine is a weight loss prescription pill powered by the active ingredient phentermine. What sets Duromine apart is its combination with a resin, which slowly releases phentermine throughout the day. This means the appetite-suppressing effects last from day to night, keeping those hunger pangs at bay.


How Duromine Works

At its core, Duromine is an appetite suppressant, but it's not about merely dulling your hunger. When Duromine enters the system, phentermine engages with the central nervous system, dialling down its hunger signals. It stimulates the release of neurotransmitters – brain chemicals like noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin – which are part of your body's natural appetite-suppressant squad.

The Effects on Your Body

This process effectively puts a pause on your appetite. The result? You feel fuller for longer, reducing overall calorie intake without constant hunger pangs. This is crucial for weight loss, as creating a calorie deficit – burning more energy than you consume – is the cornerstone of shedding kilos.

Taking Duromine: The Playbook

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Here's how to make Duromine work for you:

  • Dosage Directions: The standard dosage is one capsule daily, but your GP will call the shots on the exact dosage to suit your game plan. Pop the weight loss pill whole with a good gulp of water - no chewing or breaking it open.
  • Timing Your Move: Best taken in the morning with your brekkie, Duromine is designed not to mess with your sleep. Keeping it consistent at the same time each day helps you stay on track.

Who Should Avoid Duromine

Duromine isn't the right fit for everyone. It's specifically for those struggling with obesity or who are overweight with additional risk factors. Your GP will run the field, determining if Duromine suits your health strategy. Keep in mind that prescription weight loss drugs should only be used on adult patients as there is a lack of research about their safety and effectiveness for children.

Duromine Side Effects

Duromine can cause some unintended side effects, such as:

  • Common Side Effects: Common side effects include feeling buzzed, sleep troubles, a racing heart, or a bit of dizziness. These are typically more of a nuisance than a deal-breaker.
  • The Heavy Hitters: More serious concerns include chest pain, shortness of breath, severe pain or signs of a heart attack or stroke. These demand immediate medical attention.

So, What is the Best Pill For Weight Loss?


It's hard to tell you what the best pill for weight loss is without knowing your unique needs and health conditions. For example, if you're tipping the scales with a BMI over 25, Duromine might be the answer.

On the other hand,  Xenical plays the long game. Some people might consider Xenical the strongest prescription pill for weight loss, since it is more commonly prescribed to patients with a BMI higher than 27. Keep in mind, however, that it offers a steady, more gradual approach to weight loss.

For example, a study by Diabetes Care discovered that the average weight loss with Xenical was 4% at 1 year. On the other hand, a study by the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the average weight loss with Duromine was 6% at 20 weeks. So, while Xenical is more effective for patients with a higher BMI, Duromine is faster-acting.

It's essential to consult with your doctor if you're thinking of using any weight loss prescription pills to treat severe obesity.

The Man Shake — A Safe Alternative


Now for the game changer – The Man Shake. This isn't just another diet fad; it's a nutritious, convenient meal replacement shake designed specifically for blokes looking to lose the gut without losing the joy of eating. High in protein, low in sugar, and packed with all the good stuff to keep you full and satisfied, it's a top-notch alternative to rapid weight loss pills. Plus, it's more wallet-friendly in the long run (especially when you buy your bundles!) and free from those pesky side effects.

Don't Forget the Basics

Let's not forget the bread and butter of weight loss: eating right and keeping active. At the end of the day, no pill or shake can entirely replace the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Eating Right: More Than Just Calories

A balanced diet is all about nourishing your body with the right types of foods—lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. This diversity in your food intake ensures you're not just eating to lose weight, but eating for longevity, energy, and health. The Man Shake complements this approach by filling any nutritional gaps and preventing the common pitfall of nutrient deficiencies in calorie-restricted diets.

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Physical Activity: The Catalyst for Change

Regular exercise isn't just about burning calories; it's about building a healthier, more resilient body. From lifting weights to keep your muscles strong and metabolism high, to cardio for heart health and flexibility exercises for joint health, physical activity is the cornerstone of weight loss and overall well-being. The Man Shake supports an active lifestyle by providing the necessary nutrients to fuel your workouts and recover faster.

Making Lifestyle Changes That Last

The ultimate goal is to create a sustainable lifestyle that supports weight loss and health, without it feeling like a chore. This means finding activities you enjoy, making smarter food choices, and perhaps most importantly, enjoying the journey.

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Beyond Rapid Weight Loss Pills

While the allure of finding the strongest weight loss prescription pill might be tempting, it's crucial to remember there's no substitute for healthy living. The Man Shake offers a practical, enjoyable way to support your weight loss journey, coupled with the central principles of good nutrition and physical activity. So, before you think about reaching for a pill, why not give our program a go? After all, the best weight loss plan is one you can stick to for life, not just for a couple of weeks.

External References

Duromine®. (n.d.).

DuromineTM (dure-o-mean) Phentermine (fen-ter-mean) Consumer Medicine Information. (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2024, from

Jameson, S. (2016, March 10). Duromine vs Xenical (Orlistat): Which is Right for You? Australia Weight Loss.

Medication & surgery for treatment of overweight & obesity in adults. (n.d.). Obesity Evidence Hub.

Saxenda (liraglutide): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Reviews. (n.d.). GoodRx.

Should I Eat If I Have Hunger Pangs? (n.d.). Verywell Health.

Torgerson, J. S., Hauptman, J., Boldrin, M. N., & Sjostrom, L. (2004). XENical in the Prevention of Diabetes in Obese Subjects (XENDOS) Study: A randomized study of orlistat as an adjunct to lifestyle changes for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in obese patients. Diabetes Care, 27(1), 155–161.

Weight loss medications. (2023, August 24).

Weight loss products. (2022, December 15). Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Weintraub, M., Hasday, J. D., Mushlin, A. I., & Lockwood, D. H. (1984). A double-blind clinical trial in weight control. Use of fenfluramine and phentermine alone and in combination. Archives of Internal Medicine, 144(6), 1143–1148.

Xenical Dosage Guide. (2023).

XENICAL®. (n.d.).